4 Industrial parks in Ninh Thuan [Update 2024]

Ninh Thuan is one of provinces that is invested in developing industrial parks in 2024. Let’s discover the latest updates on 4 thriving industrial parks in Ninh Thuan and explore the potential and offerings of these key industrial zones, ideal for diverse business ventures!

Investment situation Industrial park in Ninh Thuan province is rapidly developing
Investment situation Industrial parks in Ninh Thuan province is rapidly developing
Name Industrial parks in Ninh Thuan Total area Address in Ninh Thuan
Phuoc Nam Industrial Park 369.92 hecta Thuan Nam District
Du Long Industrial Park 407.28 hecta Loi Hai Commune, Thuan Bac District
Trung Nam Industrial Park 827.2 hectar Phuoc Diem Commune
Thanh Hai Industrial Park 77.987 hectar Phan Rang Thap Cham City

Industrial parks and industrial clusters are distinct in terms of scale and infrastructure. Industrial parks are larger, designated areas with well-developed infrastructure and facilities to attract a wide range of industries, while industrial clusters are typically smaller and more localized, focusing on specific industries or sectors.

Nội dung chính

1. Industrial Park in Ninh Thuan status

The industrial park for lease in Ninh Thuan is currently undergoing an impressive phase of development. This is attributed to a combination of favorable investment policies and support from the authorities. Examples are income tax and land tax incentives at the provincial level and investment promotion at the government level.

Ninh Thuan  secured government approval for its master plan for industrial park and cluster zone development, extending until 2030. The plan includes the establishment of 4 industrial parks (IPs) and 19 industrial clusters. Notably, 3 IPs – Thanh Hai, Du Long, and Phuoc Nam – have already been established. In addition, the development plan for Ca Na IP has received endorsement from the provincial People’s Committee and is currently under review by the Ministry of Planning and Investment for investment approval.

As of today, The industrial park for lease in Ninh Thuan has three of them in operation and one in the planning phase
As of today, The industrial park for lease in Ninh Thuan has three of them in operation and one in the planning phase

In 2023, the province’s industrial parks (IPs) successfully attracted a total of 8 investment projects with a registered capital of over VND 1.145 trillion. Among these, 2 projects were foreign direct investment (FDI), totalling VND 675.5 billion (equivalent to USD 28.15 million ). Notably, Du Long IP in Thuan Bac District has witnessed the emergence of several manufacturing facilities, generating thousands of employment opportunities for local laborers.

Below is a comprehensive table providing detail information about industrial parks in Ninh Thuan. The table covers key aspects such size and status, services, and #registered companies:

List Industrial Park in Ninh Thuan Land Area/ Leasable Area Occupancy Registered Companies Services
Du Long Industrial park 407.28 hectares/ 306.11 hectares 10% 5 – Industrial land for lease

– Ready-Built Factory

– Built to suit Factory

Thanh Hai Industrial park 77.987 hectares ~100% 10 – Industrial land for lease

– Ready-built factory

Phuoc Nam Industrial park 369.92 hectares 19% 4 – Industrial land for lease

– Ready-built factory

Trung Nam (Ca Na) Industrial park 77.987 hectares This IP is still in planning phase This IP is still in planning phase This IP is still in planning phase

From the information above, Ninh Thuan Province has 2 available for lease industrial parks and 2 unavailable or fully occupied industrial parks.  Due to the various government and provincial incentives in place for all industrial parks in the province, there is an expectation that the industrial park for lease in Ninh Thuan will become more vibrant in 2024.

Since the beginning of 2023, Du Long IP has successfully attracted 5 businesses and created thousands of employment opportunities for local workers
Since the beginning of 2023, Du Long IP has successfully attracted 5 businesses and created thousands of employment opportunities for local workers

Today, Du Long Industrial Park stands out as the sole IP with a high vacancy rate , offering numerous attractive lease locations for potential investors. What makes it even more appealing is its completed infrastructure and its status as one of the 13 IPs nationwide that meet stringent green standards. This makes Du Long IP a strategically sound choice for foreign investors looking to enter or expand their operations in the Vietnamese market.

Besides the industrial parks in the South Central Coast, industrial parks in the South are also developing strongly and have extremely fierce competition. Let’s immediately refer to 200 industrial parks in the South of Vietnam updated in 2024.

In the following sections, we will delve into the details of each IP, providing a comprehensive and objective overview of the industrial real estate market in Ninh Thuan Province.

2. Thanh Hai Industrial Park

Thanh Hai is located Industrial Park in Ninh Thuan, initially established as Thanh Hai Industrial Cluster and later converted into an industrial park by government approval in 2015, is situated in Phan Rang Thap Cham City. It boasts comprehensive and well-developed infrastructure and has achieved nearly 100% occupancy, hosting a diverse array of investment projects.

Thanh Hai is currently the focus of industrial park for lease in Ninh Thuan, with efforts to expand and develop into a modern industrial cluster
Thanh Hai is currently the focus of industrial park for lease in Ninh Thuan, with efforts to expand and develop into a modern industrial cluster

With ongoing infrastructure expansion efforts, Ninh Thuan province is committed to enhancing Thanh Hai industrial park’s capacity by an additional 20 hectares.

2.1. Overview of Thanh Hai Industrial Park

Today, Thanh Hai Industrial Park offers two services: industrial land leasing and Ready-built factory leasing. As a 100% state-owned industrial park, Thanh Hai is a reputable developer and offers more attractive incentives such as rent in comparison with other IPs in the vicinity. The land lease fee can go as low as VND6,570/m2/year in conjunction with the infrastructure rent – VND3,200/m2/year. This makes it appealing to investors and helps to maintain the highest occupancy rate in the province.

However, the current occupancy rate of Thanh Hai Industrial Park is nearly at 100%, leaving very limited available land for new businesses to lease here.

The table below will show basic information about this industrial park.

Category Specific and key information
Investor Construction investment project management board of civil and industrial works
Geographical and location Thanh Hai Industrial Park strategically sits at the crossroads of three vital transportation arteries: National Highway 1, the North-South Thong Nhat Railway, and National Highway 27 leading to the Southern Central Highlands. 

Its location establishes crucial connectivity with major urban centers like Da Lat, Nha Trang, and Ho Chi Minh City. Moreover, it is conveniently located just 4 km from Phan Rang – Thap Cham City.

– Land conditions: Clear and compensated land

– Climate conditions: 

  • Thermal weather characterizes the region with an annual average temperature ranging from 26°C to 27°C. 
  • Rainfall averages between 700-800 mm annually, marking two discernible seasons: a wet rainy season and a dry season.

– Distance to the nearest major city: 350 km.

– Distance to the provincial center: 4 km.

– Distance to the nearest airport: 70 km.

– Distance to the nearest railway station: 10 km.

– Distance to the nearest seaport: 30 km.

Scale – Total Area: 77.987 (ha)

– Area for Lease: 77.987 (ha)

– Occupancy Rate: 100%

Number companies in Thanh Hai Industrial Park Updating


2.2. Priority Occupations

Priority sectors for development within Thanh Hai in the industrial park for lease in Ninh Thuan include electronics, information technology, construction materials, garment manufacturing, mechanical industries, beverages, food processing, seafood processing, handicrafts, and other traditional sectors.

Thanh Hai Industrial Park focuses on prioritizing the development of light industries to enhance a sustainable supply chain for Ninh Thuan Province
Thanh Hai Industrial Park focuses on prioritizing the development of light industries to enhance a sustainable supply chain for Ninh Thuan Province

2.3. 2 strengths of Thanh Hai industrial park

  • Completed Infrastructure: It includes reliable electricity supply, a robust water system, efficient rainwater and wastewater drainage, and a wastewater treatment station meeting strict quality standards. This supports industrial operations and encourages further investment.
  • Favorable location: It provides excellent connectivity to major cities like Da Lat, Nha Trang, and Ho Chi Minh City. Its proximity to Phan Rang – Thap Cham City, only 4 km away, further enhances accessibility and logistical advantages.
  • Lowest Rental in the province: The Thanh Hai Industrial Park is invested in and managed by Ninh Thuan Province, so it has the lowest land rental price in the province, only 0.4 USD/m2/year (including land and infrastructure rental).

2.4. 1 weaknesses of Thanh Hai industrial park

  • High occupancy rate: A 100% occupancy rate in Thanh Hai Industrial Park may pose challenges for new investors looking for available space. Limited land availability due to full occupancy can potentially hinder the park’s ability to attract additional businesses and expand its industrial capacity. 

3. Du Long Industrial Park

Established with Prime Minister’s approval in Document No. 256/TTg-CN on 14/3/2005 and sanctioned by the Chairman of Ninh Thuan People’s Committee in Decision 3848/QD-UBND on 30/6/2008, Industrial Park Du Long spans 407 hectares in Loi Hai commune, Thuan Bac district.

The panoramic rendering of Du Long in the industrial park for lease in Ninh Thuan upon completion
The panoramic rendering of Du Long in the industrial park for lease in Ninh Thuan upon completion

This industrial park has undergone a remarkable transformation under the ownership of Hoang Thanh Du Long Industrial Park Investment Joint Stock Company. As the completion of first-phase infrastructure in July 2022 paved the way for the inclusion of Innoflow NT Co., Ltd. (hailing from the Republic of Korea) as its pioneering secondary investor.

Currently, Du Long has offered several special promotions to incentivize their participation in the Industrial Park in Ninh Thuan. With an initial occupancy rate of just 10%, Du Long Industrial Park is poised to welcome secondary investors in the future.

3.1. Overview of Du Long industrial park

Outlined in the following table are the vital statistics and key attributes of Du Long Industrial Park, showcasing its scale, geographical advantages, and sectors of focus.

Category Specific and key information
Investor Hoang Thanh Du Long Industrial Park Investment JSC
Geographical and location Du Long Industrial Park, located along National Highway 1A, enjoys excellent connectivity with international seaports, an airport, railway, and an extensive network of highways and national roads, including 1A, 27, 27B, and the North-South Expressway, specifically at the intersection of Cam Lam and Vinh Hao.

– Land conditions: Clear and compensated land

– Elevation above sea level: 3-5 meter

– Climate conditions: 

  • Typical tropical monsoon with heat and dryness, strong winds and evaporation. 
  • Average annual temperature ranges 26-27 degrees. 
  • Rainy season starts in October and ends in December.

– Distance to the nearest major city: 20 km.

– Distance to the provincial center: 70km.

– Distance to the nearest airport: 40 km.

– Distance to the nearest railway station: 20 km.

– Distance to the nearest seaport: 25 km.

Scale – Total Area: 407.28 (ha)

– Area for Lease: 306.11 (ha)

– Occupancy Rate: 10%

Number companies in Du Long Industrial Park 5

3.2. Priority Occupations

Du Long prioritizes several key industries, making it an environmentally friendly and diversified hub. These priority sectors in the industrial park for lease in Du Long include:

  • Mechanical, industrial and agricultural machines manufacturing industry
  • Construction material manufacturing industry
  • Automobile and motorcycle assembling/manufacturing industry
  • Food, agriculture, forestry and seafood processing industry
  • Electrical, electronics and semiconductors industry
  • Pharmaceutical and cosmetic manufacturing industry
  • Freight, warehousing and distribution of goods
  • Textile, dyeing, and fabric finishing industry
  • Leather and footwear manufacturing industry
  • Consumer goods production industry
  • Chemical product manufacturing industry
  • Rubber and plastic products manufacturing industry
  • Logistic and ready-to-build factory

Among the industrial parks for lease in Ninh Thuan, Du Long is the place with the strongest development potential in the future. Du Long Industrial Park established partnerships with esteemed companies like Dugarco Textile, Dalat Worsted Spinning, Donglim, and Innoflow NT set the stage for exponential growth and development. 

Du Long leases industrial land with a total area of 407.28 hectares at industrial parks in Ninh Thuan. With a current occupancy rate of 10%, Du Long Industrial Park presents an unique advantage for prospective investors. This low initial occupancy rate signifies a wealth of untapped potential and an open invitation for other notable investors, specially for foreign investors to join in the near future.

Du Long Industrial Park is expected to become a destination for sustainable manufacturing businesses, both domestic and international
Du Long Industrial Park is expected to become a destination for sustainable manufacturing businesses, both domestic and international

By actively welcoming new partners, Du Long Industrial Park aims to create a vibrant industrial ecosystem. Its commitment to sustainability and diverse industry sectors makes it an enticing destination for forthcoming investments. 

As additional investors come on board, the park is poised to not only increase job opportunities but also spearhead industrial growth in the region, positioning itself as a catalyst for economic advancement and prosperity.

3.3. Du Long industrial park’s services

Du Long offers three key services to investors:

  • Industrial land for lease: Investors have the flexibility to choose  land based on location and size within the IP. This option allows them to construct their own factories and carry out production activities..
  • Ready-built factory: Investors have the option to lease pre-constructed factories provided by Du Long IP. These factories come equipped with essential infrastructure, including lighting, ventilation, and loading docks. They are an ideal choice for businesses seeking immediate storage solutions without the need for extensive construction or customization.
  • Built-to-suit factory: Du Long offers support for custom-built factory construction based on the investor’s specifications and requirements. Businesses can either purchase or enter into long-term leasing agreements for these tailor-made manufacturing facilities.
Inside the Hoang Thanh Do Luong factory, which is built within the Du Long Industrial Park premises
Inside the Hoang Thanh Do Luong factory, which is built within the Du Long Industrial Park premises

Among the services at Du Long Industrial Park, “Industrial land for lease” stands out as Du Long’s flagship offering. It has attracted five businesses, including Innoflow NT, DongLim, Ninh Thuan Textile and Dyeing Joint Stock Company, Dugarco and 105-RF. This service provides investors with the flexibility to establish their operations within the Du Long IP, a testament to the park’s attractiveness as a strategic investment destination.

3.4. Price and incentives 

At present, the average industrial land leasing rates in 2023 within the Southern region have reached an impressive USD189/m2 per lease cycle. Particularly, leasing rates in provinces with strong industrial foundations have even surpassed the USD300/m2 per lease cycle. The recent price statistics  showed a strong upward trend for the future:

  • Ho Chi Minh City: USD100  – USD300 /m2/lease cycle.
  • Binh Duong: USD100 – USD300/m2/lease cycle.
  • Long An: USD125 – USD275/m2/lease cycle.

Today, Du Long’s land leasing price is only half the Southern region’s average. This presents a significant opportunity for investors to take advantage of attractive incentives and to reduce land leasing costs when investing in Du Long Industrial Park.

Du Long currently implementing several incentive programs for businesses investing in the industrial park, aligning with Ninh Thuan province’s supportive policies, including:

  • Corporate income tax incentives: Businesses benefit from a reduced corporate income tax rate of 10% for 15 years, providing stability in profits during the initial production phase. Secondary investors are exempt from tax for the first four years and enjoy a 50% reduction for the subsequent nine years, easing financial pressures.
  • Import tax exemptions: Businesses benefit from import tax exemptions for certain types of goods used for fixed asset creation, significantly reducing initial expenses.
  • Land lease/land tax exemption: Businesses are waived from land lease and land tax in accordance with ND149/2005/ND-CP .

In addition to policies above, Du Long provides support to investors in handling procedures such as investment certification or business registration during the initial period. 

The introduction ceremony of the Ninh Thuan Dyehouse Project (Germany) at Du Long in the industrial park for lease in Ninh Thuan
The introduction ceremony of the Ninh Thuan Dyehouse Project (Germany) at Du Long in the industrial park for lease in Ninh Thuan

These attractive  incentives significantly ease the entry effort for investors into the market, reducing cost burdens during the initial phase. The incentives are made possible due to the significant government investment in developing industrial real estate in Ninh Thuan province, highlighting the extensive support and favorable policies available to investors at Du Long Industrial Park.

However, it’s essential to note that these incentives are only available for early-bird investors. Therefore, investors are encouraged to reach out directly to Du Long Industrial Park via the hotline 096.230.5757.

3.5. 5 strengths of Du Long in the Industrial Park in Ninh Thuan

  • Favorable location: Du Long Industrial Park enjoys an advantageous location, particularly for transportation via water and air routes, thanks to its proximity to National Road 1A. Furthermore, it benefits from its close proximity to Cam Ranh International Airport and Cam Ranh Port, situated just 30 kilometers away.
  • Good Connectivity: Du Long Industrial Park benefits from superb connectivity, with close proximity to key urban centers like Phan Rang – Thap Cham City (20 km) and Nha Trang City (60 km) as well as popular tourist destinations, including Cham Tower, Vinh Hy Bay, and Binh Son- Ninh Chu Beach.
  • Legal qualifications: Du Long Industrial Park is planned and fully complies with legal requirements to accommodate specialized sectors such as textiles, food, chemical manufacturing, metals, and more.
  • Largest industrial land supplier: With a 10% occupancy rate and a vast total leasable area of 306.11 hectares, Du Long Industrial Park is the largest industrial land supplier in Ninh Thuan. This capacity attracts a wide range of investors and plays a pivotal role in driving industrial growth and development in the region.
  • Competitive rental price: Du Long Industrial Park’s competitive rental prices are a significant advantage, appealing to cost-conscious businesses and fostering a thriving industrial community.
The advanced technology waste treatment plant helps meet the processing needs of businesses
The advanced technology waste treatment plant helps meet the processing needs of businesses

3.6. 3 weaknesses of Du Long Industrial park

  • Geographical disadvantage of being far away from HCMC: This geographical separation may require additional planning and resources to ensure efficient connectivity and supply chain management
  • Deficiency of skilled workers: This presents a challenge, potentially requiring additional investment in training and workforce development. This shortage could affect productivity and operational efficiency for businesses seeking specialized labor.

4. Trung Nam (Ca Na) Industrial Park

Trung Nam (Ca Na) Industrial Park, established following the Prime Minister’s approval in 2011, has evolved into a significant industrial hub. With an expansive area of 989.9 hectares and strategic developments like the completion of Phase 1 of the Ca Na Seaport in 2022, this industrial park is poised to become a pivotal player in a vast logistics, industry, mineral, and energy urban region with a potential value of tens of billions of USD.

The completion of Phase 1 of the Ca Na seaport marks the first step of the Trung Nam Industrial Park project
The completion of Phase 1 of the Ca Na seaport marks the first step of the Trung Nam Industrial Park project

4.1. Overview of Trung Nam Industrial Park

The zoning plan for Ca Na Industrial Park has received the green light. Document 4157/KH-UBND mandates the development of infrastructure plans, including land clearance and a feasibility study for Phase 1, covering 378 hectares from 2022 to 2025. This crucial work is targeted to be finalized by the fourth quarter of 2023.

Phase 2, spanning 449.2 hectares from 2026 to 2030, necessitates the submission of a feasibility report to the Prime Minister’s cabinet for approval, along with the completion of other requisite procedures.

Today, Trung Nam in the industrial park for lease in Ninh Thuan is in the planning phase, and there is no specific timeline for the completion of its infrastructure. It remains unclear when Trung Nam (Ca Na) Industrial Park will officially commence operations. Therefore, prospective investors are advised to exercise patience and await further developments if they intend to participate in this venture.

With the promising development potential and investment opportunities in Ninh Thuan, investing in one of these industrial parks in this area can be a significant step towards the success of your business and production ventures.

Category Specific and key information
Investor Trung Nam Group
Geographical and location The industrial park is located in Phuoc Diem commune, and it was converted from the former Ca Na Steel Complex Project into Ca Na Industrial Park.
Scale – Total Area: 827.2 (ha)

– Area for Lease: Updating

– Occupancy Rate: Updating

Number companies in Trung Nam Industrial Park Updating

4.2. Priority Occupations

The project is still in the planning phase.

4.3. Strengths of Trung Nam industrial park

The project is still in the planning phase.

4.4. Weaknesses of Trung Nam industrial park

The project is still in the planning phase.

5. Phuoc Nam Industrial Park

Phuoc Nam Industrial Park covers 370 hectares in Thuan Nam District, Ninh Thuan Province. It was received approval for its establishment following the Prime Minister’s decision in Document No. 1050/TTg-CN on 06/7/2006 and was officially established by the Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ninh Thuan in Decision 3849/QD-UBND on 30/6/2008.

Today, Phuoc Nam Industrial Park provides two services: Industrial land for lease and Ready-built factories.

The entrance of Phuoc Nam Industrial Park
Phuoc Nam leases industrial land with a total area of 986.92 hectares at industrial parks in Ninh Thuan

Despite languishing for over a decade, this industrial park saw a resurgence at the end of 2021 when it was taken over by Phuoc Nam-Ninh Thuan Investment Joint Stock Company. Currently, the first-phase infrastructure construction, covering 151 hectares, has achieved over 80% completion, marking a renewed phase of industrial development and investment opportunities in the region.

5.1. Overview of Phuoc Nam in the Industrial Park in Ninh Thuan

The forthcoming table encapsulates essential details of Phuoc Nam Industrial Park, encompassing vital aspects like its investor, geographical location, scale, occupancy rates, and key industries of focus.

Category Specific and key information
Investor Phuoc Nam-Ninh Thuan Investment Joint Stock Company
Geographical and location Phuoc Nam Industrial Park is located in the South Central region, in Phuoc Nam Commune, Ninh Phuoc District, Ninh Thuan Province (at Km 1574 on National Highway 1A). 

– Land conditions: Clear and compensated land

– Climate conditions: 

  • Average annual temperature of 26-27°C, average rainfall of 700-800 mm. 
  • The weather has two distinct seasons: rainy season and dry season.

– Distance to the nearest major city: 335 km.

– Distance to the provincial center: 15 km.

– Distance to the nearest airport: 70 km.

– Distance to the nearest railway station: 15 km.

– Distance to the nearest seaport: 335 km.

Scale – Total Area: 369.92 (ha)

– Area for Lease: 180 (ha)

– Occupancy Rate: 19%

Number companies in Phuoc Nam Industrial Park 3

5.2. Priority Occupations

Phuoc Nam in the industrial park for lease in Ninh Thuan is strategically positioned as an environmentally friendly hub catering to high-tech industries. These priority occupations encompass a diverse range of sectors, including electronics, automotive, motorcycle, mechanical manufacturing, building materials, agriculture-forestry-seafood processing, and textile & garment, leather, and shoes for export.

Currently, there are three existing companies within Phuoc Nam Industrial Park, involved in activities such as stonem, sand, gravel, and clay exploitation, manufacturing other chemical products, and coke production, none of which fall under the priority occupations designated for the park’s development.

5.3. 5 strengths of Phuoc Nam industrial park

  • Favorable location: Phuoc Nam Industrial Park’s solid ground offers a stable foundation, minimizing construction difficulties, while its moderate climate and consistent rainfall provide year-round favorable working conditions for industries.
  • Good Connectivity: Phuoc Nam Industrial Park boasts a prime strategic position, in close proximity to National Highway 1A, the North-South railway network, and major international seaports.
  • Accepted Industries: Assembly of electronic components, IT, high-tech industry, projects for renewable energy production; assembly of automobiles, motorcycles; mechanical technology for agricultural and industrial machinery manufacturing; construction materials industry; processing of agricultural,…

5.4. Weaknesses of Phuoc Nam industrial park

After a long dormant period of a decade, the industrial park’s activities picked up towards the end of 2021. This revival came about following its acquisition by the Phuoc Nam-Ninh Thuan Investment Joint Stock Company.

Based on its history of slow development progress, investor should be cautious about:

  • Legal troubles: Phuoc Nam Industrial Park is  entangled in a significant legal mess stemming from illicit sand mining activities. The initiation of a criminal case by the Environmental Crime Prevention Police Department (C05) has raised serious concerns about environmental transgressions and unapproved land usage.
  • Infrastructure shortcomings: Despite commendable initial progress, Phuoc Nam Industrial Park faces an infrastructure deficit. The first development phase, spanning 151 hectares, has achieved more than 80% completion but lingers in an unfinished state. 

In light of these challenges, prospective investors are strongly advised to exercise prudence and careful consideration if they intend to invest in this industrial park. A thorough due diligence process is imperative to navigate the complex landscape of Phuoc Nam Industrial Park and its associated uncertainties.

Phuoc Nam Industrial Park is currently grappling with a legal concern concerning unauthorized sand extraction
Phuoc Nam Industrial Park is currently grappling with a legal concern concerning unauthorized sand extraction

The landscape of Industrial parks in Ninh Thuan is evolving, offering a promising outlook for economic growth and development in the region. With a focus on diverse industries, improved infrastructure, and strategic locations, these industrial parks have become attractive destinations for investors seeking a foothold in Vietnam’s burgeoning industrial sector.

However, challenges like low occupancy rates and skilled labor shortages must be addressed to unlock their full potential. To stay updated on the latest developments in Ninh Thuan’s industrial parks and explore investment opportunities, follow our website: https://dulongip.vn/ for timely updates and insights.

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